Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cool Airline Pictures: China Southern Airlines

Those are some pretty sweet Airbus A380s from China Southern. And hey, their smaller fleet don't look half bad either.

Some bitchin' ass planes.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Book Review: IcyGamma, The Biography


Holy jebus, really?!
Yes, really, you mindless slave! You're about to feast your wondrous eyes on some of the worst best writing you've ever seen and it's not even an actual story, it's just a review of a fake biography posted by someone named IcyGamma. 

But before you go on and say "But we already talked about IcyGamma, isn't this a bit old?" I was finally able to feast my eyes upon his real autobiography. Which you can find at this link. And I haven't actually read it, because holy damn it's long, but I'm actually really enthusiastic to read one of the worst-held works of art ever. 

And thanks to special user Emo Freak, who wrote a wonderful review of my last major blog post (titled "The IcyGamma Incident", which you can view here). You can view his response at this link (wow, so many links!)

So why don't we get down to the actual review, shall we? 

First off, the cover is actually well designed and I'm a fan of the font. But then you scroll down and your eyes are murdered very slowly with a steak knife as you gaze upon that pink and cyan monstrosity. Then, you've got the chapter names (which I might add, do not have any page number after them, nice editing Icy, makes it real convenient to read) which are somewhat creative, but do not interest me whatsoever. 

Okay and then we get into the actual writing, which has bored me even further. 

And then I skimmed, and I quote this from the actual book-thing, whatever, which is ironically enough actually written from the perspective of someone outside of the story (what a joke! couldn't even write it himself). "In version 8, ID discrimination was rampant." 

I'm going to stop right there and call out IcyGamma on his bull. Because it's pretty obvious that ID discrimination will never go away and it's still very rampant on both the forums and on the actual game. Which is unfortunate for new players or alts, because they often get yelled at for their ID (most of the time by unintelligent users who do nothing but belittle other players because of their ID). Unfortunately also is the fact that you can only really avoid this by removing an ID system and replacing it with veteran badges. That way the only thing you can really discriminate against is the veterans, which very rarely happens (unless being brought up in an argument about having a life). This is a very bad solution because it would remove the core ID system that we can identify and understand other users by. 

Also, beyond the "implying that ID discrimination still isn't rampant" part, it's also quite obvious that he has no idea what he's talking about. He goes on to talk about how some AFKers in a freebuild were discriminating him. "Ridiculous, I know." If he knows it's ridiculous, I don't see why he would put it in a novel that other people are definitely going to read (I have actually thought of printing this out and selling copies to the uninformed masses - everyone must know about IcyGamma's creed [I'm probably using this word incorrectly]!). 

This is a poor situation for IcyGamma to be in. The poor slug probably just wanted to make a little book about him, and then he got legions of hate snails attacking his worm/slug kingdom: I'm rambling here, though, and I have no idea what I'm talking about so you can disregard this paragraph entirely. 

Alright, now I've skipped to Chapter 3, also titled "IceShard Clan". I'm assuming this is about Blockland clans, because I do actually remember Icy being very involved in this back when I was using an old account. But I love this bit right here - "At this point in time, IcyGamma didn't understand how to host a Blockland server, so he sought refuge at dedicated servers". Nice wordplay there, Icy, but I'm afraid that you were probably disabled at this point. The ONLY thing I knew how to do at that point in time, when I first got my ID, was host a server and install addons. Really other than that, I didn't build or do anything of the sort. It was all about maps, guns, and vehicles. Some I treasured. 

Now you read even further and it tells about the creation of the actual clan - not very bad. Actually a quite well-formed paragraph or too, but it's not actually that bad. 

And then you go on, past the "plus toast" part, which is you know, moderately funny. This is making me want to write a biography of me, but I don't really want to because I know it would just end poorly like this. Anyway, you get past that part, and you find that clans were given a bad rap, which I don't believe, really, because they're held in high esteem. Either this kid was not aware of what was going on, or it was really like that at the time. I have no idea what "OOPAH" means. 

"People believed there were too many boring clans coming and going and doing nothing. So I wrote 'survival of the fittest' in my post." 


The clan launched well. What a surprise. 

IcyGamma began his spiral into spamming IceShard all over pretty quickly, and chaseyqurt found it a good idea. I don't know why he believed it would be a good idea. Maybe he was really that disabled, who knows. I doubt it though - and I really should stop insulting the kid, he was probably very young at the time. 

Chapter 7, which I finally reached, more like skimmed to. 

Now I finally got to MicroBlock vs. BlockinTosh. Really this isn't even a battle, it's just "survival of the fittest" in terms of his events. MackTheHunter was initially accused of shamelessly "observing" his clans and builds, but then IcyGamma went even farther to announce that Mack had made a Frankenstein! He even found it very creepy. How cute!
Icy even goes on to admit that he scrapped IcyEvents and just you know, created stuff. Interesting stuff I guess. I don't really know. I'm really tired right now, so I figure I'm going to stop and just re-give you the link.


Songs get old.

Yeah. This is an unfortunate truth of society and while we don't want to admit it, it's just so true: songs get old! You can listen to anything you want for as long as you want but you know that it'll be boring by the four hundredth time. This is how I feel about most of Mac Miller's discography, among others. Mac Miller, however, has stuck with me for a long time as being the most worn out. Maybe it's the fact that I listened to Watching Movies with the Sound Off about twenty times, and while it is a fantastic album and will definitely go down in history as one of the greatest albums by a white rapper ever made, it's just so repetitive. 

I also feel this way about people like Hucci, Stooki Sound, or Yellowclaw. They get really boring after a while and they're only really interesting if you turn up the volume really loud. 

Anyways this isn't really a full blog post, I just felt like posting that. 

Oh, and have some images (and gifs) of the day: 
Via DeviantArt. "GTA Paris City". 

From the comments section of a "In case you haven't see one, here's a bird in a sweater."

Distinctive fight of hue. From Polandball's facebook page. 

Blockland Case Files #1: The IcyGamma Incident

Note: This is in no way relative to the actual incident known as the "IcyGamma" incident, in which a man was murdered only using very cold gamma rays from a cancer-treating mechanism. Please refer to "The Robot Chronicles" for more information on that subject. 

The IcyGamma Incident

It was in the late 2000s that IcyGamma first popped up playing a game known as Blockland. When he got his key, he was only N/A years old, but he knew that he would rise to power and become one of the most famous forumers there was. He knew that he would achieve this goal only by fighting injustice and crimes of the social variety. Quoth Icy, "[I] believed a lot in doing what was right or ethical. [I] didn't see the Internet in a way that many others did." 

Icy's forum profile, viewable here.

Many people that new Icy in 2009 through 2012 knew that he kind of went off the deep end. We all knew that he was fit for the job as Forum Educated Soul, but we did not know if we deserved his company. So we began to fight IcyGamma until it was too much for him. On February 13, 2013 his last post was made - until very recently. 

On December 17th of that same year, IcyGamma made one post that would change the world. One earth-shattering, privilege-checking, mind-blowing post in a thread titled "My Dropbox was reported by Joshua 'IcyGamma' Liddle". This post, while very short and almost useless to propel the topic forward due to the fact that it's just five measly words, would change common society forever.

The post takes you to a link titled "Catherine Tate - the offensive translator". You can view that link here

Meanwhile, the post rampage continued as IcyGamma spiraled out of control again into a huge argument that was totally necessary in each and every way, as evident by posts made in the majority by SeventhSandwich. However, this post rampage was actually mostly in part due to the stupidity of IcyGamma and also in part due to the stubbornness of the Blockland Forums to persist and continue to argue about things that really won't matter if you continue living. 

"In fact, after I'm done writing this, I'll probably stop caring." ~ The Author (critically acclaimed author, once wrote a 20 page short story in a week, wow he can brag about stuff like that, because he's a genius and a fantastic and totally not hilariously obese one) 

Well, the story isn't over yet...

The rampage is continuing on and IcyGamma can't stop. SeventhSandwich can't stop, won't stop, shouldn't stop. We can't stop. But we do know one thing. Use this as a cautionary tale! Never care too much, really, don't even get yourself into arguments considering you. And if someone starts attacking you for no reason, really, don't persist. It's just stupid, and it will end up with you both in a ditch in Antarctica, wondering why you're next to a freeway, wondering even further how there's a freeway in Antarctica, and then suddenly realizing it's 2035 and you've been homeless and coked out for twenty-two years.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Short Thought #1

I couldn't be assed to put this into a formal blog post, so here it is. Bots that go around and view things are stupid. Truthfully, I like bots because they provide more views for blogs & the like and that improves the likelyhood of someone reading and enjoying what I've written. But they're so dumb... like, really? You have bots go around and go onto Blockland Forums? Who cares enough about that? Really... 

Blogs are very old. Nobody even likes them anymore unless you flame celebrities.

Blogs are very old at this point and uninteresting for a majority of people in the world, mostly interesting to a small minority who enjoy flaming or viewing hateful stuff towards celebrities. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading trash about trashy celebrities as much as the next internet user, but you know, blogs are old and they're really kinda gross if you look at really old ones. Evidence: there isn't any here. Just you know, google it, because that exists now.. 

But I still felt the need to go out and do this. After reading old blogs, it seems that there's something to be said for blogging. It's a... truth bomb... good form of writing. And no, don't instantly believe I'm discrediting all the other forms of writing out there- why would I do that? They're great, and they're very important to common society. But blogs are just.. they're writing on the internet, and depending on if people care or not, you can become internet famous, like a famous author. 

I know a lot of people will hate me for saying this, but it needed to be said. Regardless of if you care.