Monday, December 16, 2013

Blogs are very old. Nobody even likes them anymore unless you flame celebrities.

Blogs are very old at this point and uninteresting for a majority of people in the world, mostly interesting to a small minority who enjoy flaming or viewing hateful stuff towards celebrities. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading trash about trashy celebrities as much as the next internet user, but you know, blogs are old and they're really kinda gross if you look at really old ones. Evidence: there isn't any here. Just you know, google it, because that exists now.. 

But I still felt the need to go out and do this. After reading old blogs, it seems that there's something to be said for blogging. It's a... truth bomb... good form of writing. And no, don't instantly believe I'm discrediting all the other forms of writing out there- why would I do that? They're great, and they're very important to common society. But blogs are just.. they're writing on the internet, and depending on if people care or not, you can become internet famous, like a famous author. 

I know a lot of people will hate me for saying this, but it needed to be said. Regardless of if you care.

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